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Room 1 Crystal Ballroom Main Room
Sat 18

02:00 [_] Geek Train
Room 1 Crystal Ballroom Main Room
Sun 19

09:00 [_] Workshop: Getting Beyond "app.get()": ExpressJS Middleware Explained and Explored
01:00 [_] Workshop: Taming Asynchronous JavaScript with ES2015 Promises and Fat Arrows
05:15 [_] Group Bike Ride
Room 1 Crystal Ballroom Main Room
Mon 20

09:00 [_] Welcome to NodePDX 2016
09:30 [_] A Foolish Quest: Creating Knitting Patterns Using JavaScript
10:15 [_] Isomorphic Business Logic
11:00 [_] From Software to Hardware: How Do I Track My Cat with JavaScript
11:30 [_] Ops for Devs
12:00 [_] Lunch - Food Carts
12:45 [_] Lightning Talks - Day 1
01:15 [_] The SAM Pattern: a distributed system view of Front-End architectures by Jean-Jacques Dubray
02:00 [_] Broken Promises in Open Source
03:00 [_] Modern Javascript Frameworks - Introduction to Ember.JS and Ember-CLI
03:45 [_] MMOWAM: Build Server-less Games with a DSN
04:15 [_] Demystifying TypeScript Decorators
07:00 [_] Ping Pong Party @ Pips n' Bounce
Room 1 Crystal Ballroom Main Room
Tue 21

09:00 [_] Intro - Day 2
09:30 [_] A P2P Calendar
10:15 [_] WebSockets Bring Light at the End of the Tunnel
11:00 [_] RRR - React, RethinkDB, Raspberry Pi
11:30 [_] Code First Docs: How we Threw Out The Book & Put Code First With Twilio Documentation
12:00 [_] Lunch - Food Carts
12:45 [_] Lightning Talks - Day 2
01:15 [_] Node.js Patterns: From Callbacks to Observer
02:00 [_] The Web Platform is the Universal Instrument
03:00 [_] I Play the JavaScript
03:45 [_] How to Electron
04:30 [_] How to Build a Bike Shed

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review