Cockle Bay |
C3.3 |
C3.4 & C3.5 |
C3.6 |
Fri 24 |
09:00 |
[_] Security and Privacy Track
[_] DjangoCon AU
[_] Education Track
[_] Internet of Things
09:05 |
[_] How Python saved a rescue dog - a foster fail story
09:15 |
[_] Agloe - What the map makers of the 1930s can teach us about protecting our data in 2018.
[_] Writing To Be Understood
[_] Data is the new shiny thing
09:35 |
[_] Lighting Macro Photographs with CircuitPython
10:30 |
[_] Privacy Preserving Record Linkage
[_] Creating Solid APIs
[_] Python all the subjects!
[_] Writing fast and efficient MicroPython
11:10 |
[_] Security Architecture from Ancient Times
[_] A traveller's guide to mapping technologies in Django
[_] Running Python on your brain computer
[_] Asyncio in (Micro)Python
11:50 |
[_] Learning from the mistakes that even big projects make
[_] Becoming a Multilingual SuperHero in Django
[_] Python coding on Chromebooks - our story.
[_] Embedded applications using Python and Debian
01:30 |
[_] Operation Luigi: How I hacked my friend without her noticing
[_] Dynamic web pages without Javascript
[_] Teaching OOP using Python (Progressing from GameMaker to Pygame)
[_] Demystifying LoRaWAN with PyCom
02:10 |
[_] Securing Your Company's Data: Encryption, Deletion and Other Best Practices
[_] Multi-Factor Authentication: How it works and why you need to be using it yesterday
[_] Scissors-Paper-Rock your classroom with differentiated projects
[_] Workplace Environment Sensing with Python
02:50 |
[_] Don’t be a fail whale: secure your containers
[_] PostgreSQL Indexing : How, why, and when.
[_] Teaching Python to Design Students
[_] Automating Your Home with Python, Raspberry Pi and Homekit
04:00 |
[_] WebAuthn: Multi-factor Auth For Everyone
[_] Taking Django Async
[_] Education Seminar Student Showcase
[_] Internet of Human Connectedness
04:40 |
[_] The Panel
[_] Design for Non-Designers
[_] The DDoS is coming from inside the house
05:20 |
[_] Django Against the Dark Arts
Cockle Bay |
C3.3 |
C3.4 & C3.5 |
C3.6 |
Sat 25 |
08:30 |
[_] First-timers Session
[_] First-timers Session
09:00 |
[_] Welcome
09:15 |
[_] Annie Parker
10:30 |
[_] Remote First, Not Second Best.
[_] Think Globally; Internationalise Locally
[_] Describing Descriptors
[_] Pi-thon: Teaching maths with python!
11:10 |
[_] All in the Timing: Side-Channel Attacks
[_] End-to-end Energy Monitoring in Python
[_] What is the most common street name in Australia?
[_] Stupid computer! Improving error messages for beginner programmers
11:50 |
[_] The Case of the Mysteriously High System Load
[_] Why you should care about types: How Python typing helped my team scale
[_] Danger Will Robinson! Warning! Warning! Warning! (What Python warnings are, why you should turn them on and how to create your own)
[_] Python & Spreadsheets: Earth Dog Edition
01:30 |
[_] Running Python web applications in Docker
[_] A Beginner's Guide to WebSockets
[_] Creepy, frivolous and beautiful art made with machines (CW)
02:10 |
[_] Escape from auto-manual testing with Hypothesis!
[_] International Cultural Bungles for Fun, Profit, and Sleeping At Night
[_] Swing and a Miss: Deploying machine learning models for IoT enabled devices using Python
[_] Context Managers: You Can Write Your Own!
02:50 |
[_] Consumption is Fractal: Open Source Sustainability
[_] Resurrecting the dead with deep learning
[_] Snakes in your Games
[_] Refactoring Code With the Standard Library
04:00 |
[_] Tom Eastman
04:40 |
[_] Saturday Lightning Talks
Cockle Bay |
C3.3 |
C3.4 & C3.5 |
C3.6 |
Sun 26 |
09:00 |
[_] Welcome
09:10 |
[_] Tracy Osborn
10:30 |
[_] You Have Control: Learning lessons from aviation
[_] Guide to your own artificial intelligence application in 3 easy steps
[_] Write Perfect* Code First Time, Every Time
[_] Implementing a decorator for thread synchronisation
11:10 |
[_] A guided tour of Python logging
[_] A Web without JavaScript
[_] Hello to the World in 8 Web Frameworks (Micro, Batteries Included & Async)
[_] Reflections on the Creative Process - Illustrated with Watercolour Painting
11:50 |
[_] Secret Histories: The Women of Python
[_] FP demystified
[_] Multiplayer 2D games with Python Arcade
[_] Create and Watch Kubernetes Resources With Python
01:30 |
[_] Pact in Python
[_] Colossal Cave Adventure in Python... in the browser!
[_] You Don't Need That!
[_] Task Queues: A Celery Story
02:10 |
[_] Be a brilliant mentor
[_] How To Publish A Package On PyPI
[_] Accessing and analysing your own social media data
[_] There is no "now" and sensor data's the worst
02:50 |
[_] Unicode and Python: the absolute minimum you need to know
[_] Watch out for Safety Bandits!
[_] When the Python Bites: A Survival Guide to Errors
[_] People are coming to my workshop, now what?
04:00 |
[_] Sunday Lightning Talks
05:00 |
[_] Conference Close