C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
Mon 21 |
10:40 |
10:45 |
[_] Toolmaking
[_] Chaining some blocks together
11:05 |
[_] Python++ – Bringing your code to the next level
11:10 |
[_] The Value of an Apology
11:35 |
[_] Adventures in highish availability
[_] What the dep is going on with Go dependency management?
11:55 |
[_] Survival guide for women in IT
12:00 |
[_] Chaining some blocks together
12:05 |
[_] The Free Software Mirror Group
01:30 |
[_] Distributed storage is easier now: usability from Ceph Luminous to Nautilus
[_] The Joy of Spreadsheets
[_] Donkey Car electronics design
01:55 |
[_] How Much Do You Trust That Package? Understanding The Software Supply Chain
[_] Car connection and config
02:10 |
[_] Using containers for HPC workloads (but avoiding Docker)
02:20 |
[_] Donkey Car tuning and training
02:25 |
[_] Samba for the 100,000 user enterprise: are we there yet?
[_] Automated firewall testing
02:45 |
[_] Dirty Samba hacks to make your life easier
[_] Donkey Cars in education
02:50 |
[_] Clockwork: Programming with rules
03:50 |
[_] Keeping the Balance: loadbalancing demystified
[_] Clockwork
04:15 |
[_] 10 years of Open Hardware Miniconf projects
04:20 |
[_] Oracle Public Cloud DevOps: OpenStack CI/CD Infrastructure
04:40 |
[_] Lighting Talks C3 Monday
04:45 |
[_] Prometheus - For both big and little people
05:10 |
[_] Creating Ubuntu and Debian container base images, the old and simple way
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C2 |
C3 |
A1 |
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A3 |
Tue 22 |
09:10 |
[_] Keynote: Beyond README.md (Room C1)
10:40 |
[_] Being kind to 3am you
10:45 |
[_] Reliable Linux Kernel Crash Dump with Micro-Controller Assistance
[_] Reproducing Colour: Understanding our Cameras
10:50 |
[_] Design for Security
10:55 |
[_] The world has changed, but school hasn't
11:05 |
[_] Database as Filesystem
11:10 |
[_] Making Yourself Redundant on Day One
11:30 |
[_] Noisefloor: Are web technologies ready for real time audio?
11:35 |
[_] Kernel Security Is Cool Again
[_] Stepping up the game against Web trackers
11:40 |
[_] JIT Learning: It's great until it isn't
[_] Open CS education resources for schools - how hard could it be?
12:00 |
[_] Printed circuit artboards - how rapid PCB manufacturing is a thing of beauty
12:25 |
[_] Petabytes Data Migration and Load Balancing with Football+MARS
01:30 |
[_] Clang Built Linux
[_] Finding your tribe - choosing open source communities
[_] The delightful user experience of security
[_] The case for learning real programming skills
01:55 |
[_] Forwarding syscalls to userspace
[_] Zen and the Art of Learning Assembler in the 21st Century
02:00 |
[_] Through the looking glass - how user testing can give technical writers better perspective
02:20 |
[_] Stories as Systems: How emerging narrative tools are shaping the future of storytelling
02:25 |
[_] MM101 introduction to memory management
02:30 |
[_] Expanding the Soft Skills Toolkit: The Art and Science of Diagramming
[_] My year on the front line - cleaning infected sites
02:40 |
[_] Open Source AI and speech recognition
03:50 |
[_] Patching through the snow: decentralised kernel CI on every patch
[_] How to avoid meetings
[_] How to develop software in an #AABill world
[_] Designing functional clothes with Haskell!
[_] Democratising higher education with OERs and FOSS
04:15 |
[_] Gen-Z on Linux: Supporting a New System Interconnect in Free Software
[_] Disaster recovery book
04:25 |
[_] Decentralising identity
04:30 |
[_] Using open source communities to provide uni students an insight into the IT industry.
04:40 |
[_] The Bus Plan - Junior Staff Training
04:45 |
[_] XArray: One Data Structure To Rule Them All
[_] How to Disappear Completely
05:10 |
[_] When Agile Doesn't Work Anymore: Managing a Large Documentation Project
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
Wed 23 |
09:10 |
[_] Keynote: #WeAreNotWaiting: how open source is changing healthcare (C1)
10:40 |
[_] Taking technology to the birds
[_] FileSender: Sharing large files across research facilities
[_] Open Source Superhumans
[_] De-mystifying interrupt balancing: irqbalance
[_] Plastic is Forever: Designing Tomu's Injection-Molded Case
[_] See what your computer is doing with Ftrace utilities
11:35 |
[_] Booting faster
[_] AI and AR a match made in heaven
[_] Hot Potato
[_] RCU's First-Ever CVE, and How I Lived to Tell the Tale
[_] Desktop to Mobile - Developing for Multiple Platforms without Losing Your Mind
01:30 |
[_] Firmware security, why it matters and how you can have it
[_] Around the world in 80 Microamps - ESP32 and LoRa for low-power IoT
[_] Using an Open Source SDN controller to deploy a high-speed production network
[_] Open Source Quantum Computing
[_] How the quest to prevent time from running out has led me to all corners of the Linux kernel
[_] Game development with Lua, for Beginners
02:25 |
[_] FPGA based mobile phone: Creating a truly open and trustable mobile communications device
[_] Rust for IOT
[_] Deep Learning, Not Deep Creepy
[_] "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that": Ethics in Software Development
[_] Doing it the Hard Way - Building a Vulkan VR Engine for Linux
03:50 |
[_] Why linux.conf.au continues to amaze 20 years on!
[_] What's new in control groups (cgroups) version 2?
[_] Learn Complex Skills, From Anywhere: Combining Django, Ansible and OpenStack to teach any tech skill
[_] Hardware hacking 101: There is plenty of room at the bottom
[_] MR Security: Learning from IoT's Mistakes
[_] Home Automation, just do it
04:45 |
[_] Right to Not Broadcast
[_] BlueHackers: a decade
[_] Optimising ID Allocation for low-memory devices
[_] Designing & manufacturing a custom embedded linux machine.
[_] Bugs in your server
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
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A3 |
Thu 24 |
09:10 |
[_] Keynote: Personal Branding for the Security Conscious (C1)
10:40 |
[_] Sequencing DNA with Linux Cores and Nanopores
[_] The AV1 Video Codec
[_] Improving Graphics Interactivity - It's All in the Timing.
[_] A Long Day's Journey Into Backups
[_] Open Source. Open Data. Changing lives for the better.
[_] Awesome Monitoring Infrastructure Using the Elastic Stack
11:35 |
[_] The Robots Won't Take Away Our Jobs — Let's Reframe the Debate on Artificial Intelligence
[_] Using containers to analyse the impact of climate change
[_] Finite state machines: a design pattern for FPGAs and React
[_] Autopsy of a Browser
[_] SymbiFlow - The next generation FOSS FPGA toolchain
01:30 |
[_] Go All-In!
[_] Taking it to the Nest Level - Nested KVM on the POWER9 Processor
[_] GStreamer WebRTC - The flexible solution to web-based media
[_] Linux Kernel Licensing - toward "grep"ability.
[_] Using Open Hardware from my shirt to OS testing for Google's Fuchsia
[_] Faucet SDN Tutorial
02:25 |
[_] The kernel report
[_] Network Monitoring with AMP
[_] Adding location awareness with GPS technology
[_] Beach Wreck Ignition: Challenges in open source voice
[_] A case study in incrementing a language's major version: PHP
03:50 |
[_] Teaching 9-10 year olds to code
[_] Climbing the Summit with Open Source and POWER9
[_] Open Source Tools for Publishing and Processing Earth Observation Imagery
[_] Lets LISP like it's 1959
[_] Writing Viruses for Fun, not Profit
[_] Mozilla Project Things Workshop
04:45 |
[_] The Tragedy of systemd
[_] Executable Code Golf: Making Tiny Binaries for Constrained Systems
[_] The dark side of the ForSSHe
[_] Petitboot: Linux in the Bootloader
[_] Home multimedia and automation systems with GStreamer
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C3 |
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A3 |
Fri 25 |
09:10 |
[_] Keynote: A linux.conf.au Story (C1)
10:40 |
[_] Security Vulnerability Mitigations
[_] Preventing the IoT Dystopia with Copyleft
[_] Multiple Birds with One Linux, IoT in the Automotive Space
[_] Growing TypeScript and Rust
[_] Cache Pathology Report of Linux System Calls
[_] Docker for novices
11:35 |
[_] Clockwork and its tools – Open Source Software to make things more easily
[_] Facebook, Dynamite, Uber, Bombs, and You.
[_] Does making the kernel harder make making the kernel harder?
[_] Web Security 2019
[_] Making the P.A.I.N C.A.V.E
01:30 |
[_] Production ready Kubernetes in OpenStack public clouds
[_] Making C Less Dangerous in the Linux kernel
[_] 1space: Sharing data across clouds
[_] Open Source Magnetic Resonance Imaging: From the Community to the Community.
[_] OpenLI: Lawful Intercept Without the Massive Price Tag
[_] Building reproducible computing environments: a workshop for non-experts
02:25 |
[_] STM32 Development Boards (literally) Falling From The Sky
[_] Who pays the piper? The caller of the tune.
[_] Maintaining the Unmaintainable: Picking up the Baton of a Secure Kernel Patchset
[_] Apathy and Arsenic: a Victorian Era lesson on fighting the surveillance state
[_] But Mummy I don't want to use CUDA - Open source GPU compute
03:50 |
[_] Digital Future Aotearoa report back from the Children's Program
04:15 |
[_] Conference Lightning Talks (Friday)
05:00 |
[_] Conclusion - LCA 2019
05:45 |
[_] Lightning Talks - C2, Monday