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Name: Principles of Privacy
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Next: 11 Open Hardware and the Future of Games
Author(s):Radicals Against Discrimination (R.A.D.) Chicago
LocationFreeGeek Chicago
Date sep Sat 21 Days Raw Files
Start13:18 First Raw Start13:18
Duration00:45:00 Offset0:00:00
End 14:03 Last Raw End 14:06
Chapters 00:00
Total cuts_time29 min.
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production notes
2013-09-21/13_18_55.dv 13:18:55 - 13:48:14 ( 00:29:19 ) S: 13:18:55 - E: 13:48:14 D: 00:29:19
vlc ~/Videos/veyepar/freegeek_chicago/sfd_2013/dv/freegeekchi/2013-09-21/13_18_55.dv :start-time=00.0 --audio-desync=0
Raw File Cut List
13:18:55 seconds: 0.0
Wall: 13:18:55
Duration 00:29:19
13:48:14 seconds: 0.0
Wall: 13:18:55
dv.m3u : delete

Encryption - How does it work?

3 Guess the number I'm thinking of?
o 0-9: 10 possible combinallons

3 Guess the number or letter I'm thinking of?
I A—Z 1» 049136 possible combinations

9 A-Z + 0-9 + special characters (!,%#,@*{%) include more

The longer your key. the harder expone '

audio viz
2013-09-21/14_03_16.dv 14:03:16 - 14:06:27 ( 00:03:11 ) S: 14:03:16 - E: 14:06:27 D: 00:03:11
vlc ~/Videos/veyepar/freegeek_chicago/sfd_2013/dv/freegeekchi/2013-09-21/14_03_16.dv :start-time=00.0 --audio-desync=0
Raw File Cut List
14:03:16 seconds: 0.0
Wall: 14:03:16
Duration 00:03:11
14:06:27 seconds: 0.0
Wall: 14:03:16
dv.m3u : delete

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Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review