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Client: Eric

Show: Write The Docs NA 2014 - None
Dates: May 5, 2014 - May 6, 2014
Rooms (1): Crystal Ballroom ,

Youtube account: ndv
Youtube playlist ID: (none)
Archive.org account: (none)

Mastodon account: ndv
prefix: #writethedocs

Schedule data: file://schedules/wtd-na-2014.csv
Item Count: 45

Title slide: wtd16/slide-title.svg png rendered title slides
Credits: ndv-169.png

Host metadata:
Tags: -

Description of event append to each talk's description:

(none show)
<a href=http://conf.writethedocs.org>Write the Docs</a> is a two-day conference focused on documentation systems, tech writing theory, and information delivery.

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review