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Client: Pumping Station: One

Show: NERP july 2014 - None
Dates: July 21, 2014
Rooms (96): Jefferson Tap , Plenary Hall , VentureShot , Open Software Integrators , DevMynd , Great America Floor 2B R1 , FreeGeek Chicago , Braintree , Space Lab map, Sullys , Wargaming West , p1 , Crystal Ballroom , ThoughtWorks , Room 1 , test loc , Cartoon 1 , Room 203 , Janson , Dev Bootcamp , Pumping Station: One map, Spartz , Gene Siskel , K.1.105 , Colony Ballroom , Cartoon 2 , Auditorium , Great America Floor 2B R2 , K.1.105 (La Fontaine) , H.2215 (Ferrer) , Ferrer , Bowling Alley , Barbie Tootle , Great America Floor 2B R3 , Tasman Room , Terrace , Room 100 , UD2.120 (Chavanne) , Chavanne , Hays Cape , Tasman B , A1 , Great America J , Great America K , UB2.252A (Lameere) , Tasman A , A2 , Lameere , Room 200 , A3 , H.1301 (Cornil) , H.1301 , Mission City M1 , Mission City M2 , H.1302 , H.1302 (Depage) , Room 400 , Mission City M3 , H.1308 (Rolin) , H.1308 , H.1309 , Room 04 , H.1309 (Van Rijn) , Derwent 1 , Room 05 , KOMED Saal , Mission City , H.2213 , Derwent 3 , H.2214 , Grand Ballroom AB , Raum 1-3 (Haus 6) , Grand Ballroom CD , AW1.120 , Room 01 , Grand Ballroom EF , AW1.121 , AW1.125 , Grand Ballroom GH , Great America , AW1.126 , Raum 4-5 (Haus 6) , Guillissen , UA2.114 , UA2.114 (Baudoux) , UD2.218A , U.218A , K.3.201 , K.3.401 , K.4.201 , Poster-1 , K.4.401 , Poster-2 , Poster-3 , K.4.601 , Poster-4 ,

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Youtube playlist ID: (none)
Archive.org account: ndv

Mastodon account: ndv
prefix: #psone312

Schedule data: (none)
Item Count: 1

Title slide:
Template: psone-title.svg For editing with Inkscape. (May not render correctly in a browser. "SVG 1.2 never got off the ground and only Inkscape and Batik seem to have implemented parts of flowed text." - http://tavmjong.free.fr/blog/?p=938)
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