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Client: PostgresZA

Show: PgZA18 - https://postgresconf.org/conferences/SouthAfrica2018
Dates: Oct. 9, 2018
Rooms (3): Baobab , Cedarwood , Yellowwood ,

Youtube account: pgza
Youtube playlist ID: (none)
Archive.org account: ndv

Mastodon account: ndv
prefix: #PostgresConfZA

Schedule data: https://postgresconf.org/conferences/SouthAfrica2018/schedule/ical
Item Count: 21

Title slide: PostgresConfZA2018video_v2.svg png rendered title slides
Credits: ndv-169.png

Host metadata:
Tags: -

Description of event append to each talk's description:

The second South African PostgresConf takes place in Johannesburg on 9 October 2018, with attendees representing a diverse class of professionals and companies from around the country and across the continent. This is an excellent opportunity for the database administration and developer community who use PostgreSQL to get to know each other, exchange ideas and learn about the current features and upcoming trends within PostgreSQL.
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