Hi user
Admin Login:
Client: test client

Show: test show - None
Dates: May 21, 2010
Rooms (1): test loc ,

Youtube account: (Not Granted)
To grant permission to Next Day Video's Veyepar app:
  1. Start Grant Process
    (Currently this app is unverified, we are working on getting verified.)
    check "[x] See, edit, and permanently delete your YouTube videos"
    ("edit" includes upload ;/)
  2. Next Day Video staff will use this to upload videos.

Youtube playlist ID: (none)
Archive.org account: (none)

Mastodon account: test
prefix: test

Schedule data: (none)
Item Count: 1

Title slide: test_show_title.svg png rendered title slides
Credits: 00000001.png

Host metadata:
Tags: None -

Description of event append to each talk's description:

(none show)
(none client)

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review