DrupalSouth Hobart 2019
1. Consolidation: a GovCMS SaaS story (Margery Tongway) http://youtu.be/jFQ5eFM0ihk 39 min.
2. The pursuit of automatic Drupal updates (Blaize Kaye, Thom Toogood) http://youtu.be/A_VBSUYORx0 36 min.
3. Why you need QA people, and why you need them NOW! (Daniel Carvalhinho) http://youtu.be/5-cv3FSzkL4 42 min.
4. Highly processed migrations (Eric Goodwin) http://youtu.be/5ehEPiI_KBc 14 min.
5. 5239 pages, 357 authors and counting: quality, consistency and flexibility at scale (Emma Cameron) http://youtu.be/TlTiymxLkYA 25 min.
6. Content modeling with Drupal (Si Hobbs) http://youtu.be/580nU9Wgr1g 38 min.
7. The Art of Parenting Applied to Challenging Clients (Shelley L'Green) None 18 min.
8. The New Zealand Government Design System and Sector Drupal 8 (Heike Theis, Daniel Veza) http://youtu.be/dU7TJtsTG5U 44 min.
9. Deploying Drupal on Kubernetes (Nick Schuch) http://youtu.be/BSDr7-QwSFU 42 min.
10. It takes two to tango: a true partnership approach (Juliane Erben, Nathan Wall) http://youtu.be/ATapg5mE_iE 20 min.
11. WCAG 2.1, Web Accessibility and Drupal 8 (Morgan Strong) http://youtu.be/38bjHphuBCo 45 min.
12. Cordelta: The Delivery Game (Damian Tunney) http://youtu.be/AvvCjEoYY80 28 min.
13. Building your design system (Jack Taranto) http://youtu.be/nHYGa3kIy9U 41 min.
14. Modular distributions and the Sector add-on ecosystem (Daniel Veza) http://youtu.be/wjHDYxWAr-Q 44 min.
15. The Skpr Keynote: Michelle Mannering (Michelle Mannering) http://youtu.be/XbwdhgBiCGQ 42 min.
16. Streamlining Drupal Delivery and Support: Our Journey at Deloitte Digital (Aaron Nichol, Christopher Hopper) http://youtu.be/jmz6aE9iP1A 41 min.
17. Decoupled: Why we're reinventing a worse wheel (Josh Waihi) http://youtu.be/6GwTClYxFmo 45 min.
18. Drupal, Cacheability, and all that (Jibran Ijaz) http://youtu.be/MjQUXXWtGAI 47 min.
19. Design Systems for Agencies: The benefits of creating a shared language (Richard Sison) http://youtu.be/Pik27KxaaDw 15 min.
20. Drupal meets the 3D World: On Closer Inspection (Melissa Stubbings, Joshua Graham ) http://youtu.be/Q3MBwo9xRAM 16 min.
21. How To (Not) Get Hacked - A Security Checklist for Drupal Server Administrators (Michael Richardson) http://youtu.be/RSDZXUk7_k8 34 min.
22. Not all maps lead to treasure - but a good process map can lead to a successful project! (Akhil Bhandari) http://youtu.be/UDoXdCQxY9I 20 min.
23. Learn and Contribute to Open Source by Writing Blog Posts (Ivan Zugec) http://youtu.be/K2qTR1FNkgM 47 min.
24. Dissecting a security audit: common issues and how to fix them (Sam Becker) http://youtu.be/7Z4sI9e6s7U 21 min.
25. Let’s keep this G rated - redevelopment of classification.gov.au on GovCMS (Paul Morriss) http://youtu.be/snjngtSstaQ 20 min.
26. Ultimate guide to Layout Builder (Saul Willers) http://youtu.be/BnH4d2zFvX0 23 min.
27. Jumping into conversational AI - Alexa (Suchi Garg) http://youtu.be/1yAgCJ0T4uM 44 min.
28. Personalisation with Recombee (Murray Woodman) http://youtu.be/A6WXQuFbWY8 48 min.
29. The 45 minute site audit (Scott Anderson) http://youtu.be/59nvaO4Iy1s 25 min.
30. Frontend Re-United: The energy of the people (Mathieu Spillebeen) http://youtu.be/4inIPgiE4ko 43 min.
31. Single Sign On Across Drupal 8 (Iwantha Lekamge) http://youtu.be/wp9PK4wlQ3E 50 min.
32. The Scientific Wild-Ass Guess (Adam Malone) http://youtu.be/c37KxcBI880 22 min.
33. The future of Drupal theming? (Mathieu Spillebeen) http://youtu.be/XMkIjhxt0Jg 50 min.
34. GovCMS: It's not just about Drupal, it's an ecosystem of tools (Toby Bellwood) http://youtu.be/O_44JVcMmM4 37 min.
35. Preparing for a high traffic event, simple steps to success (Sean Hamlin) http://youtu.be/zujP5cGJUFw 18 min.
36. Winning and retaining long term clients (Owen Lansbury) http://youtu.be/dKumvxuV15g 47 min.
37. Complexity of a Multi-language infrastructure - the CCAMLR story (Dane Cavanagh) http://youtu.be/fbr92rBDF9Q 27 min.
38. Cloud Native Drupal Panel (Nick Santamaria, Nick Schuch) http://youtu.be/MW16OOmaDb4 43 min.
39. Site search - A relevance case study (Dominic Milburn) http://youtu.be/7DANkcW2_oQ 21 min.
40. End to end testing decoupled Drupal sites (Dylan Kelly) http://youtu.be/5S8tp5eCHcI 22 min.
41. Debunking the Myths of Digital Governance (Morgan Ritchings) http://youtu.be/JHd2R_OJ-HI 43 min.
42. Drupal confessions (Bevan Wishart) http://youtu.be/YmJOQG8hCww 43 min.
43. Better content workflow, moderation and audits in Drupal 8 (Heike Theis) http://youtu.be/gbnCyE4VtlM 50 min.
44. Local-CI-Production workflow with DrevOps (Alex Skrypnyk) http://youtu.be/zOsjoWzMvmc 43 min.
45. The IceMedia Keynote: Neil Drumm (Neil Drumm) http://youtu.be/XYVQbtjbq4I 37 min.
46. DrupalSouth Steering Committee Panel - Goals and Progress () http://youtu.be/cucyq1m1yPM 41 min.
47. Delivering innovative digital experiences for government (Jibran Ijaz, Tessa Penny, Christine Roque) http://youtu.be/TaIU2gzbp8U 38 min.
48. Easy Migration with Commerce (Tiffany Tjan) http://youtu.be/FV8W6JW0wrI 21 min.
49. Open source your work (Ben Jackson) http://youtu.be/ExCF-oPG3B4 18 min.
50. Content processing for site migration (Kelvin Wong) http://youtu.be/k1nSpNNuLII 20 min.
51. Automated auditing (Karl Hepworth) http://youtu.be/p-Vs1fTddNk 14 min.
52. The EY Digital Keynote: Jess (xjm) (Jess (xjm)) http://youtu.be/yxVJggeMAPs 43 min.
53. Lightning Talks & Conference Close () http://youtu.be/8NpHO5OkeHk 35 min.
1. http://youtu.be/jFQ5eFM0ihk 39 min.
2. http://youtu.be/A_VBSUYORx0 36 min.
3. http://youtu.be/5-cv3FSzkL4 42 min.
4. http://youtu.be/5ehEPiI_KBc 14 min.
5. http://youtu.be/TlTiymxLkYA 25 min.
6. http://youtu.be/580nU9Wgr1g 38 min.
7. None 18 min.
8. http://youtu.be/dU7TJtsTG5U 44 min.
9. http://youtu.be/BSDr7-QwSFU 42 min.
10. http://youtu.be/ATapg5mE_iE 20 min.
11. http://youtu.be/38bjHphuBCo 45 min.
12. http://youtu.be/AvvCjEoYY80 28 min.
13. http://youtu.be/nHYGa3kIy9U 41 min.
14. http://youtu.be/wjHDYxWAr-Q 44 min.
15. http://youtu.be/XbwdhgBiCGQ 42 min.
16. http://youtu.be/jmz6aE9iP1A 41 min.
17. http://youtu.be/6GwTClYxFmo 45 min.
18. http://youtu.be/MjQUXXWtGAI 47 min.
19. http://youtu.be/Pik27KxaaDw 15 min.
20. http://youtu.be/Q3MBwo9xRAM 16 min.
21. http://youtu.be/RSDZXUk7_k8 34 min.
22. http://youtu.be/UDoXdCQxY9I 20 min.
23. http://youtu.be/K2qTR1FNkgM 47 min.
24. http://youtu.be/7Z4sI9e6s7U 21 min.
25. http://youtu.be/snjngtSstaQ 20 min.
26. http://youtu.be/BnH4d2zFvX0 23 min.
27. http://youtu.be/1yAgCJ0T4uM 44 min.
28. http://youtu.be/A6WXQuFbWY8 48 min.
29. http://youtu.be/59nvaO4Iy1s 25 min.
30. http://youtu.be/4inIPgiE4ko 43 min.
31. http://youtu.be/wp9PK4wlQ3E 50 min.
32. http://youtu.be/c37KxcBI880 22 min.
33. http://youtu.be/XMkIjhxt0Jg 50 min.
34. http://youtu.be/O_44JVcMmM4 37 min.
35. http://youtu.be/zujP5cGJUFw 18 min.
36. http://youtu.be/dKumvxuV15g 47 min.
37. http://youtu.be/fbr92rBDF9Q 27 min.
38. http://youtu.be/MW16OOmaDb4 43 min.
39. http://youtu.be/7DANkcW2_oQ 21 min.
40. http://youtu.be/5S8tp5eCHcI 22 min.
41. http://youtu.be/JHd2R_OJ-HI 43 min.
42. http://youtu.be/YmJOQG8hCww 43 min.
43. http://youtu.be/gbnCyE4VtlM 50 min.
44. http://youtu.be/zOsjoWzMvmc 43 min.
45. http://youtu.be/XYVQbtjbq4I 37 min.
46. http://youtu.be/cucyq1m1yPM 41 min.
47. http://youtu.be/TaIU2gzbp8U 38 min.
48. http://youtu.be/FV8W6JW0wrI 21 min.
49. http://youtu.be/ExCF-oPG3B4 18 min.
50. http://youtu.be/k1nSpNNuLII 20 min.
51. http://youtu.be/p-Vs1fTddNk 14 min.
52. http://youtu.be/yxVJggeMAPs 43 min.
53. http://youtu.be/8NpHO5OkeHk 35 min.
1, Consolidation: a GovCMS SaaS story, Consolidation_a_GovCMS_SaaS_story.mp4, 39
2, The pursuit of automatic Drupal updates, The_pursuit_of_automatic_Drupal_updates.mp4, 36
3, Why you need QA people, and why you need them NOW!, Why_you_need_QA_people_and_why_you_need_them_NOW.mp4, 42
4, Highly processed migrations, Highly_processed_migrations.mp4, 14
5, 5239 pages, 357 authors and counting: quality, consistency and flexibility at scale, 5239_pages_357_authors_and_counting_quality_consistency_and_flexibility_at_scale.mp4, 25
6, Content modeling with Drupal, Content_modeling_with_Drupal.mp4, 38
7, The Art of Parenting Applied to Challenging Clients, The_Art_of_Parenting_Applied_to_Challenging_Clients.mp4, 18
8, The New Zealand Government Design System and Sector Drupal 8, The_New_Zealand_Govt_Design_System_and_Sector_Drupal_8.mp4, 44
9, Deploying Drupal on Kubernetes, Deploying_Drupal_on_Kubernetes.mp4, 42
10, It takes two to tango: a true partnership approach, It_takes_two_to_tango_a_true_partnership_approach.mp4, 20
11, WCAG 2.1, Web Accessibility and Drupal 8, WCAG_21_Web_Accessibility_and_Drupal_8.mp4, 45
12, Cordelta: The Delivery Game, Cordelta_The_Delivery_Game.mp4, 28
13, Building your design system, Building_your_design_system.mp4, 41
14, Modular distributions and the Sector add-on ecosystem, Modular_distributions_and_the_Sector_addon_ecosystem.mp4, 44
15, The Skpr Keynote: Michelle Mannering, The_Skpr_Keynote_Michelle_Mannering.mp4, 42
16, Streamlining Drupal Delivery and Support: Our Journey at Deloitte Digital, Streamlining_Drupal_Delivery_and_Support_Our_Journey_at_Deloitte_Digital.mp4, 41
17, Decoupled: Why we're reinventing a worse wheel, Decoupled_Why_were_reinventing_a_worse_wheel.mp4, 45
18, Drupal, Cacheability, and all that, Drupal_Cacheability_and_all_that.mp4, 47
19, Design Systems for Agencies: The benefits of creating a shared language, Design_Systems_for_Agencies_The_benefits_of_creating_a_shared_language.mp4, 15
20, Drupal meets the 3D World: On Closer Inspection, Drupal_meets_the_3D_World_On_Closer_Inspection.mp4, 16
21, How To (Not) Get Hacked - A Security Checklist for Drupal Server Administrators, How_To_Not_Get_Hacked_A_Security_Checklist_for_Drupal_Server_Administrators.mp4, 34
22, Not all maps lead to treasure - but a good process map can lead to a successful project!, Not_all_maps_lead_to_treasure_but_a_good_process_map_can_lead_to_a_successful_project.mp4, 20
23, Learn and Contribute to Open Source by Writing Blog Posts, Learn_and_Contribute_to_Open_Source_by_Writing_Blog_Posts.mp4, 47
24, Dissecting a security audit: common issues and how to fix them, Dissecting_a_security_audit_common_issues_and_how_to_fix_them.mp4, 21
25, Let’s keep this G rated - redevelopment of classification.gov.au on GovCMS, Lets_keep_this_G_rated_redevelopment_of_classificationgovau_on_GovCMS.mp4, 20
26, Ultimate guide to Layout Builder, Ultimate_guide_to_Layout_Builder.mp4, 23
27, Jumping into conversational AI - Alexa, Jumping_into_conversational_AI_Alexa.mp4, 44
28, Personalisation with Recombee, Personalisation_with_Recombee.mp4, 48
29, The 45 minute site audit, The_45_minute_site_audit.mp4, 25
30, Frontend Re-United: The energy of the people, Frontend_ReUnited_The_energy_of_the_people.mp4, 43
31, Single Sign On Across Drupal 8, Single_Sign_On_Across_Drupal_8.mp4, 50
32, The Scientific Wild-Ass Guess, The_Scientific_WildAss_Guess.mp4, 22
33, The future of Drupal theming?, The_future_of_Drupal_theming.mp4, 50
34, GovCMS: It's not just about Drupal, it's an ecosystem of tools, GovCMS_Its_not_just_about_Drupal_its_an_ecosystem_of_tools.mp4, 37
35, Preparing for a high traffic event, simple steps to success, Preparing_for_a_high_traffic_event_simple_steps_to_success.mp4, 18
36, Winning and retaining long term clients, Winning_and_retaining_long_term_clients.mp4, 47
37, Complexity of a Multi-language infrastructure - the CCAMLR story, Complexity_of_a_Multilanguage_infrastructure_the_CCAMLR_story.mp4, 27
38, Cloud Native Drupal Panel, Cloud_Native_Drupal_Panel.mp4, 43
39, Site search - A relevance case study, Site_search_A_relevance_case_study.mp4, 21
40, End to end testing decoupled Drupal sites, End_to_end_testing_decoupled_Drupal_sites.mp4, 22
41, Debunking the Myths of Digital Governance, Debunking_the_Myths_of_Digital_Governance.mp4, 43
42, Drupal confessions, Drupal_confessions.mp4, 43
43, Better content workflow, moderation and audits in Drupal 8, Better_content_workflow_moderation_and_audits_in_Drupal_8.mp4, 50
44, Local-CI-Production workflow with DrevOps, LocalCIProduction_workflow_with_DrevOps.mp4, 43
45, The IceMedia Keynote: Neil Drumm, The_IceMedia_Keynote_Neil_Drumm.mp4, 37
46, DrupalSouth Steering Committee Panel - Goals and Progress, DrupalSouth_Steering_Committee_Panel_Goals_and_Progress.mp4, 41
47, Delivering innovative digital experiences for government, Delivering_innovative_digital_experiences_for_government.mp4, 38
48, Easy Migration with Commerce, Easy_Migration_with_Commerce.mp4, 21
49, Open source your work, Open_source_your_work.mp4, 18
50, Content processing for site migration, Content_processing_for_site_migration.mp4, 20
51, Automated auditing, Automated_auditing.mp4, 14
52, The EY Digital Keynote: Jess (xjm), The_EY_Digital_Keynote_Jess_xjm.mp4, 43
53, Lightning Talks & Conference Close, lightning_talks_conference_close.mp4, 35