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Episode Count: 6
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
14629 C1 Thu 24 09:10 10:00 0:50:0 13 Keynote: Personal Branding for the Security Conscious (C1) Shannon Morse y Y 2 6 Y R
14472 C1 Thu 24 10:40 11:25 0:45:0 13 Sequencing DNA with Linux Cores and Nanopores David Eccles y Y 2 14 Y R
14489 C1 Thu 24 11:35 12:20 0:45:0 13 The Robots Won't Take Away Our Jobs — Let's Reframe the Debate on Artificial Intelligence Martin Krafft y Y 2 12 Y R
14505 C1 Thu 24 13:30 14:15 0:45:0 13 Go All-In! Bdale Garbee y Y 2 4 Y R
14522 C1 Thu 24 14:25 15:10 0:45:0 13 The kernel report Jonathan Corbet y Y 2 5 Y R
14549 C1 Thu 24 16:45 17:30 0:45:0 13 The Tragedy of systemd Benno Rice y Y 2 7 Y R

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review