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Episode Count: 18
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
8576 Room 338 Sun 24 13:30 14:15 00:45:00 1* DebConf volunteer recruitment session Moray Allan y 103 Y 3 R
8577 Room 338 Sun 24 14:30 15:15 00:45:00 1* Coming of Age: My Life with Debian Christine Spang y 165 Y 3 R
8578 Room 338 Sun 24 19:00 19:45 00:45:00 1 Debian and the FSF working together to advance free software John Sullivan y Y 11 R
8587 Room 338 Mon 25 10:00 10:45 00:45:00 3 Python BoF Piotr Ożarowski y 36 Y 2 R
8588 Room 338 Mon 25 11:00 11:45 00:45:00 3 Debian Java Packaging BoF Matthew Vernon y 36 Y 1 2 R
8596 Room 338 Tue 26 10:00 10:45 00:45:00 3 SPI BOF Bdale Garbee y Y 4 R
8602 Room 338 Tue 26 11:00 11:45 00:45:00 3 Web and wiki BoF Steve McIntyre y Y 3 R
8597 Room 338 Tue 26 13:30 14:15 00:45:00 3 Debsources: powering sources.debian.net Stefano Zacchiroli y Y 2 R
8595 Room 338 Tue 26 19:00 19:45 00:45:00 3 Looking back on a Debian Summer of Code Nicolas Dandrimont y Y 6 R
8614 Room 338 Thu 28 13:30 14:15 00:45:00 3 Validation and Continuous Integration BoF Neil Williams y Y 3 R
8611 Room 338 Thu 28 14:30 15:15 00:45:00 3 debci and the Debian Continuous Integration project Antonio Terceiro y Y 7 R
8612 Room 338 Thu 28 16:00 16:45 00:45:00 1 Haskell in Debian: The what, the how, and the what now? Joachim Breitner y Y 3 R
8613 Room 338 Thu 28 19:00 19:45 00:45:00 1 Automated Validation in Debian using LAVA Neil Williams y Y 2 R
8621 Room 338 Fri 29 10:00 10:45 00:45:00 1* Ad-hoc cross-builds and multi-builds -- Xen NetBSD in Debian as a non-arch?!, Ian Jackson y Y 1 3 R
8623 Room 338 Fri 29 13:30 14:15 00:45:00 2 Putting some salt in your Debian systems Julien Cristau y Y 1 4 R
8624 Room 338 Fri 29 14:30 15:15 00:45:00 1 Making Debian excellent in Google's cloud Jimmy Kaplowitz y Y 1 3 R
8625 Room 338 Fri 29 16:00 16:45 00:45:00 1 Live Demos Nattie Mayer-Hutchings y Y 1 3 R
8635 Room 338 Sat 30 13:30 14:15 00:45:00 1 introduction to pybuild and Python packaging Piotr Ożarowski y Y 1 2 R

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review