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Episode Count: 4
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
15139 Room 6 Fri 17 10:45 11:30 0:45:0 1 Everything you know is wrong: why using big words can made you sound stupid Lana Brindley y Y
15155 Room 6 Fri 17 11:40 12:25 0:45:0 1 Privacy, Security, Convenience; when it comes to home automation, can we pick all three? Ben Dechrai y Y
15174 Room 6 Fri 17 13:30 14:15 0:45:0 1 The life of open source spatial with QGIS - From hobby to grown up, with bonus growing pains Nathan Woodrow y Y
15192 Room 6 Fri 17 14:25 15:10 0:45:0 1 New Phone, Who Dis?: Human Authentication in the Digital Age Yaakov y Y

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review