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Episode Count: 17
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
2042 Grand Ballroom CD Fri 15 10:50 11:20 00:30:00 11 Messaging at Scale at Instagram Rick Branson y 4815 Y 5 Y R
2053 Grand Ballroom CD Fri 15 11:30 12:00 00:30:00 11 This Old Video Site: How PBS streams video - and you can too! Edgar Roman y 4870 Y 6 Y R
2071 Grand Ballroom CD Fri 15 12:10 12:40 00:30:00 11 Making DISQUS Realtime. Adam Hitchcock y 4799 Y 3 Y R
2099 Grand Ballroom CD Fri 15 13:40 14:25 00:45:00 11 You can be a speaker at PyCon! Anna Ravenscroft y 9608 Y 5 Y R
2129 Grand Ballroom CD Fri 15 14:35 15:05 00:30:00 11 Loop like a native: while, for, iterators, generators Ned Batchelder y 4865 Y 3 Y R
2141 Grand Ballroom CD Fri 15 15:15 15:45 00:30:00 11 Python Profiling Amjith Ramanujam y 4797 Y 5 Y R
2152 Grand Ballroom CD Fri 15 16:15 17:00 00:45:00 11 Awesome Big Data Algorithms Titus Brown y 4804 Y 5 Y R
2167 Grand Ballroom CD Fri 15 17:10 17:40 00:30:00 11 SimpleCV - Computer Vision using Python Katherine Scott y 4840 Y 4 Y R
2050 Grand Ballroom CD Sat 16 10:50 11:20 00:30:00 8 Python for Robotics and Hardware Control Jonathan Foote y 4836 Y 5 Y R
2059 Grand Ballroom CD Sat 16 11:30 12:00 00:30:00 11 Who’s there? - Home Automation with Arduino/RaspberryPi Rupa Dachere y 4863 Y 5 Y R
2073 Grand Ballroom CD Sat 16 12:10 12:40 00:30:00 11 Building an image processing pipeline with Python Franck Chastagnol y 4846 Y 3 Y R
2103 Grand Ballroom CD Sat 16 13:40 14:25 00:45:00 11 Designers + Developers: Collaborating on your Python project Julia Elman, Mark Lavin y 5085 Y 6 Y R
2124 Grand Ballroom CD Sat 16 14:35 15:05 00:30:00 11 Logical Failures Luke Sneeringer y 4794 Y 4 Y R
2143 Grand Ballroom CD Sat 16 15:15 15:45 00:30:00 11 Let Them Configure! Łukasz Langa y 4618 Y 3 Y R
2148 Grand Ballroom CD Sat 16 16:15 17:00 00:45:00 11 All-Singing All-Dancing Python Bytecode Larry Hastings y 9676 Y 3 Y R
2161 Grand Ballroom CD Sat 16 17:10 17:40 00:30:00 11 MTO On Blast: Using Python's Natural Language Toolkit to Model Gossip Blogs Robert Elwell y 4906 Y 3 Y R
2105 Grand Ballroom CD Sun 17 13:50 14:20 00:30:00 9 Going beyond the Django ORM limitations with Postgres Craig Kerstiens 121 N R

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review