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Episode Count: 37
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
14889 C3.4 & C3.5 Fri 02 09:15 09:30 0:15:0 13 Using Python to make learning Python better Ben Taylor y Y 6 Y
14888 C3.3 Fri 02 09:15 09:30 0:15:0 13 Rust's Recipes for Code and Community E. Dunham y Y 7 Y
14891 C3.6 Fri 02 09:30 10:00 0:30:0 13 You don't always need NumPy Sam Hames y Y 7 Y
14890 Cockle Bay Fri 02 09:30 10:00 0:30:0 13 Opening Doors with JSON Web Tokens Ben Dechrai y Y 7 Y
14984 C3.3 Fri 02 10:30 11:00 0:30:0 13 Safely eval Python syntax using the AST module Tim Savage Y 5 Y
14892 Cockle Bay Fri 02 10:30 11:00 0:30:0 13 New Phone, Who Dis?: Human Authentication in the Digital Age Yaakov Smith y Y 4 Y
14894 C3.4 & C3.5 Fri 02 10:30 11:00 0:30:0 13 Flying by the seat of our pants - our journey of teaching python using drones Kylie Mathers y Y 7 Y
14895 C3.6 Fri 02 10:30 11:00 0:30:0 13 Extracting tabular data from PDFs with Camelot & Excalibur Vinayak Mehta y Y 5 Y
14897 C3.3 Fri 02 11:10 11:40 0:30:0 13 Web Accessibility In Django Parth Shandilya y Y 9 Y
14898 C3.4 & C3.5 Fri 02 11:10 11:40 0:30:0 13 Automagically marking Python course work and assessments in seconds! Dave Bracken y Y 10 Y
14899 C3.6 Fri 02 11:10 11:40 0:30:0 13 Using Dash by Plotly for Interactive Visualisation of Crime Data Leo Broska y Y 6 Y
14896 Cockle Bay Fri 02 11:10 11:40 0:30:0 13 Data Sharing in Modern Australia Justin Warren y Y 7 Y
14901 C3.3 Fri 02 11:50 12:20 0:30:0 13 Forklifting Django: Migrating A Complex Django App To Kubernetes Noah Kantrowitz y Y 4 Y
14902 C3.4 & C3.5 Fri 02 11:50 12:20 0:30:0 13 What makes Micro:bits different? Jack Reichelt y Y 8 Y
14903 C3.6 Fri 02 11:50 12:20 0:30:0 13 Building, designing, teaching and training simulation environments for Machine Learning Paris Buttfield-Addison y Y 5 Y
14900 Cockle Bay Fri 02 11:50 12:20 0:30:0 13 Securing your AWS Identity Management pipeline with PyTest Sean Johnson y Y 4 Y
14905 C3.3 Fri 02 13:30 14:00 0:30:0 13 WASM matter? Russell Keith-Magee y Y 5 Y
14906 C3.4 & C3.5 Fri 02 13:30 14:00 0:30:0 13 Concept to Classroom: Creating fun differentiated programming projects Renee Noble y Y 5 Y
14907 Cockle Bay Fri 02 13:30 14:00 0:30:0 13 Forecasting Australia's 2019 Election with PyMC3 Martin Burgess y Y 7 Y
14904 C3.6 Fri 02 13:30 14:00 0:30:0 13 Stealing Chrome cookies without a password "Alex" y Y 4 Y
14909 C3.3 Fri 02 14:10 15:20 0:70:0 13 Just Add Await: Retrofitting Async Into Django Andrew Godwin y Y 11 Y
14910 C3.4 & C3.5 Fri 02 14:10 14:40 0:30:0 13 Using Python, Flask and Docker To Teach Web Pentesting Zain Afzal, Carey Li y Y 6 Y
14911 Cockle Bay Fri 02 14:10 14:40 0:30:0 13 cuDF: RAPIDS GPU-Accelerated Dataframe Library Mark Harris y Y 7 Y
14908 C3.6 Fri 02 14:10 14:40 0:30:0 13 Best Practices for Cryptography In Python Paul Kehrer y Y 6 Y
14913 C3.4 & C3.5 Fri 02 14:50 15:20 0:30:0 13 3D Rendering with Python Andrew Williams y Y 5 Y
14914 Cockle Bay Fri 02 14:50 15:20 0:30:0 13 Understanding GPUs Varun Nayyar y Y 7 Y
14912 C3.6 Fri 02 14:50 15:20 0:30:0 13 How to lose a container in 10 minutes Sarah Young y Y 5 Y
14916 C3.3 Fri 02 16:00 16:30 0:30:0 13 Pony, Cat, and Paw: Getting Started with the Open Source Menagerie Tobias Kunze y Y 4 Y
14917 C3.4 & C3.5 Fri 02 16:00 18:00 0:120:0 13 Education Seminar Student Showcase Students y Y 8 Y
14918 Cockle Bay Fri 02 16:00 16:30 0:30:0 13 Not a long time ago, in a galaxy not very far away, an astronomer and a computer scientist walk into a bar... Georgios Bekiaris y 66 Y 8 Y
14915 C3.6 Fri 02 16:00 16:30 0:30:0 13 Threat Modeling the Death Star Mario Areias y Y 5 Y
14920 C3.3 Fri 02 16:40 17:10 0:30:0 13 The Unspeakable Horror of Discovering You Didn't Write Tests Melanie Crutchfield y Y 8 Y
14921 Cockle Bay Fri 02 16:40 17:10 0:30:0 13 Learn to control your brain: Brain Computer Interfacing with Python Johan van der Meer y Y 6 Y
14919 C3.6 Fri 02 16:40 17:10 0:30:0 13 How to get everyone to get on board with software security: practical tips and suggestions. Tennessee Leeuwenburg y Y 5 Y
14922 C3.6 Fri 02 17:20 17:50 0:30:0 0 The Security Panel Various Speakers N 4
14923 C3.3 Fri 02 17:20 17:50 0:30:0 13 Using Python, Django, and ruthlessness to protect people from social media harassment. Tom Eastman y Y 6 Y
14924 Cockle Bay Fri 02 17:20 17:50 0:30:0 13 Machine Learning and Cyber Security - Detecting malicious URLs in the haystack Alistair, Veatrissa L. y Y 6 Y

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