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Episode Count: 9
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
14928 Cockle Bay Sat 03 09:20 10:00 0:40:0 13 Creating Lasting Change Aurynn Shaw y Y 4 Y
14929 Cockle Bay Sat 03 10:30 11:00 0:30:0 13 Building a Sustainable Python Package Index Dustin Ingram y Y 5 Y
14933 Cockle Bay Sat 03 11:10 11:40 0:30:0 13 Goodbye Print Statements, Hello Debugger! Nina Zakharenko y Y 6 Y
14936 Cockle Bay Sat 03 11:50 12:20 0:30:0 13 Using comedy as an excuse to play with python-programmed microcontrollers Anthony I. Joseph, Debbie Zukerman y Y 6 Y
14940 Cockle Bay Sat 03 13:30 14:00 0:30:0 13 Anatomy of a Browser Erin Zimmer y Y 6 Y
14945 Cockle Bay Sat 03 14:10 14:40 0:30:0 13 Fantastic Blocks And Where To Hide Them Christopher Neugebauer y Y 8 Y
14947 Cockle Bay Sat 03 14:50 15:20 0:30:0 13 When software and law are the same thing Brenda Wallace y Y 9 Y
14951 Cockle Bay Sat 03 16:00 16:40 0:40:0 13 The Antipodes Brandon Rhodes y Y 5 Y
14952 Cockle Bay Sat 03 16:40 17:40 0:60:0 13 Saturday Lightning Talks Lightning Talk Czar Y 8 Y

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review