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Episode Count: 20
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
11208 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 08:45 08:55 00:10.0:00 1 Introduction - Day 2 Adron Hall y Y 4
11209 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 09:00 09:20 00:20.0:00 0 10 years of JSON.NET James Newton-King y 279 Y 5
11210 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 09:30 10:00 00:30.0:00 5 The F#orce Awakens Evelina Gabasova y Y 5 Y
11211 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 10:20 10:50 00:30.0:00 5 Introducing NBench - Automated Performance Testing and Benchmarking for .NET Aaron Stannard y Y 12 Y
11212 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 10:50 11:20 00:30.0:00 5 Triage Some Open Source - Live! Brendan Forster y Y 8 Y
11213 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 11:40 12:10 00:30.0:00 5 Hadoop.NET Hakeem Mohammed y Y 5 Y
11214 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:05 13:10 00:5.0:00 5 Lightning Talk - Domain Modeling with the Neko Atsume Kitty Collector Game Julie Lerman 28 Y 14 Y
11215 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:10 13:15 00:5.0:00 5 Lightning Talk - High performance multi-target logging with Logary Jeremy Abbott Y 14 Y
11216 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:15 13:20 00:5.0:00 5 Lightning Talk - How to run an open source project Adam Dymitruk Y 14 Y
11217 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:20 13:25 00:5.0:00 5 Lightning Talk - Everything you think you know about software development is wrong. Probably... Dave Evans Y 16 Y
11218 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:25 13:30 00:5.0:00 5 Lightning Talk - Introduction to Avalonia Steven Kirk 16 Y 15 Y
11219 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:30 13:35 00:5.0:00 5 Lightning Talk - Structuring large scale React/Redux Apps Anthony van der Hoorn Y 26 Y
11220 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:35 13:40 00:5.0:00 5 Lightning Talk - New C#/VB Project System David Kean and Immo Landwerth Y 12 Y
11221 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:40 13:45 00:5.0:00 5 Lightning Talk - scriptcs, what's new Glenn Block Y 12 Y
11222 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 13:55 14:15 00:20.0:00 5 How to make a living as a contrarian developer: Living your developer life on the edge. Adam Dymitruk y Y 17 Y
11223 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 14:30 15:00 00:30.0:00 5 Feed the links, tuples' a bag – An introduction to Linked Data APIs Sebastien Lambla y Y 10 Y
11224 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 15:00 15:30 00:30.0:00 5 .Net Core, Clojure and Elixir: a newbie's experience Christopher Lopes y Y 7 Y
11225 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 15:45 16:15 00:30.0:00 5 A Smart House Powered by .NET Ian Mercer y Y 6 Y
11226 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 16:45 17:15 00:30.0:00 5 Xamarin Apps in GPU wonderland Rabeb Othmani y Y 7 Y
11227 Crystal Ballroom Tue 12 16:56 17:26 00:30.0:00 5 Giving Your Way To Greatness Tim Rayburn y Y 6 Y

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