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Troy Nodepdx2013

overlapping_episodes overlapping_fles orphan_dv orphan_img slug oh! title oh!
None show_parameters nodepdx2013.json
nodepdx2013.csv pyvid_jsons.urls
raw_file_audio final_file_audio mini_conf Show cut list
room_signs.pdf release.pdf meeting announcement show_urls
locked episodes admin raw_File admin mark admin location admin Image File admin Logs admin mk_episode veyepar.cfg
status grid processes pipeline recording_sheets.pdf today's t+1 Reschedule schedule talk_intro.pdf title slides anomalies

Duplicate slugs

id audio loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors rel img host

Longest strings:
82 Punching Rocks: Bloody knuckling my way through rock climbing and learning to code

50 Optimizing Single-Page Javascript Websites for SEO

50 An Introduction to Functional Reactive Programming

49 Azure for the non-Microsoft Person - How and Why?

48 Do as I say, not as I do: Node in the real world

17 Horse and Unicorn

16 Paul A Jungwirth

16 Chris Meiklejohn

16 J Chris Anderson

15 Chris Dickinson

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review