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DePy Depy_2015

overlapping_episodes overlapping_fles orphan_dv orphan_img slug oh! title oh!
http://mdp.cdm.depaul.edu/DePy2015/static/schedule.json http://mdp.cdm.depaul.edu/DePy2015/ show_parameters depy_2015.json
depy_2015.csv pyvid_jsons.urls
raw_file_audio final_file_audio mini_conf Show cut list
room_signs.pdf release.pdf meeting announcement show_urls
locked episodes admin raw_File admin mark admin location admin Image File admin Logs admin mk_episode veyepar.cfg
status grid processes pipeline recording_sheets.pdf today's t+1 Reschedule schedule talk_intro.pdf title slides anomalies

Duplicate slugs

id audio loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors rel img host

Longest strings:
75 Jupyter Project: Interacting between Python and R Libraries for Data Mining

75 PyHSPF: Data integration software for hydrologic and water quality modeling

68 Cloudmesh Virtual Cluster Management for Data Intensive Applications

65 Teaching web app development with web2py and crowdsourced grading

64 Tuning Machine Learning Parameters using scikit-learn Gridsearch

31 Mikhail Lakirovich, Armand Ruiz

27 Amber Doctor, Philip Doctor

24 Jordan "Vladimir'' Myers

21 Li-Wey Lu, Ryan Haley

20 Gregor von Laszewski

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review