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Episode Count: 34
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
2226 A2 Mon 18 09:00 10:45 01:45:00 5 HDF5 is for Lovers Anthony Scopatz y Y 8 Y
2222 A1 Mon 18 09:00 10:45 01:45:00 5 Intro to NumPy Bryan Van de Ven y Y 3 Y
2227 A2 Mon 18 10:45 12:15 01:30:00 5 IPython-parallel Min Ragan-Kelley y Y 6 Y
2223 A1 Mon 18 10:45 12:15 01:30:00 5 Pandas Wes McKinney y Y 3 Y
2224 A1 Mon 18 13:15 16:30 03:15:00 5 Beautiful Plots With Matplotlib Mike Muller y Y 21 Y
2228 A2 Mon 18 13:15 15:00 01:45:00 5 Bayesian Machine Learning & Python – Naïve Bayes Krishna Sankar y Y 9 Y
2229 A2 Mon 18 15:00 16:30 01:30:00 5 Social Network Analysis Kartherine Chuang y Y 11 Y
2225 A1 Mon 18 16:50 18:20 01:30:00 5 scikit - image Davin Potts y Y 8 Y
2230 A2 Mon 18 16:50 18:35 01:45:00 5 Creating Interactive Applications in Matplotlib Jake Vanderplas y Y 6 Y
2231 A3 Tue 19 09:15 10:15 01:00:00 5 Learning Python Peter Norvig y Y 4 Y
2238 A2 Tue 19 10:15 11:05 00:50:00 5 Intro to Network Science Christopher Roach y Y 7 Y
2233 A1 Tue 19 11:05 11:55 00:50:00 5 Blaze Travis Oliphant y Y 6 Y
2239 A2 Tue 19 11:05 11:55 00:50:00 5 UV-CDAT Resharable Analyses and Diagnostics Charles Doutriaux y Y 6 Y
2240 A2 Tue 19 13:15 14:05 00:50:00 5 Disco: Not Just MapReduce Any More Prashanth Mundkur y Y 7 Y
2234 A1 Tue 19 13:15 14:05 00:50:00 5 PyCascading for Intuitive Flow Processing With Hadoop Gabor Szabo y Y 6 Y
2235 A1 Tue 19 14:05 14:55 00:50:00 5 Practical Time Series Modeling and Analysis Chang She y Y 3 Y
2241 A2 Tue 19 14:05 14:55 00:50:00 5 Wise.io a Machine-Learning Platform Henrik Brink y Y 8 Y
2236 A1 Tue 19 15:20 16:10 00:50:00 5 Scaling Machine Learning in Python Olivier Grisel y Y 2 Y
2242 A2 Tue 19 15:20 16:10 00:50:00 5 Introduction to Marinexplore André Karpištšenko y Y 5 Y
2243 A2 Tue 19 16:10 17:00 00:50:00 5 Thin Client Data Science Josh Levy y Y 4 Y
2237 A1 Tue 19 16:10 17:00 00:50:00 5 Data Visualization With Nodebox Lynn Cherny y Y 4 Y
2244 A3 Wed 20 09:00 10:00 01:00:00 5 IPython: a modern vision of interactive computing Fernando Perez y Y 6 Y
2251 A2 Wed 20 10:00 10:50 00:50:00 5 Data Wrangling Kung Fu With pandas Wes McKinney y Y 5 Y
2245 A1 Wed 20 10:00 10:50 00:50:00 5 Luigi - Batch Data Processing in Python Elias Freider y Y 6 Y
2252 A2 Wed 20 10:50 11:40 00:50:00 5 Dataflow Programming Using Generators and Coroutines James Powell y Y 5 Y
2246 A1 Wed 20 10:50 11:40 00:50:00 5 Big Data in Fashion Katherine Chuang y Y 5 Y
2247 A1 Wed 20 13:05 13:55 00:50:00 5 Zipline in the Cloud: Optimizing Financial Trading Algorithms Thomas Wiecki y Y 4 Y
2253 A2 Wed 20 13:05 13:55 00:50:00 5 Bitdeli - A Platform for Creating Custom Analytics in Your Browser Ville Tuulos y Y 5 Y
2254 A2 Wed 20 13:55 14:45 00:50:00 5 How Web APIs and Data-centric Tools Power the Materials Project Dan Gunter, Shreyas Cholia y Y 6 Y
2248 A1 Wed 20 13:55 14:45 00:50:00 5 Building Analytic Database Engines With Python Robert Brewer y Y 5 Y
2255 A2 Wed 20 15:10 16:00 00:50:00 5 Measuring the New Wikipedia Community Ryan Faulkner y Y 6 Y
2249 A1 Wed 20 15:10 16:00 00:50:00 5 MARS Modeling on the Python Data Stack Jason Rudy y Y 5 Y
2250 A1 Wed 20 16:00 16:50 00:50:00 5 Lighting Fast Cluster Computing with PySpark Patrick Wendell y Y 2 Y
2266 A2 Wed 20 16:00 16:50 00:50:00 5 Escape from the Curse of the Cluster and the Headache of Hadoop David Schachter y Y 3 Y

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