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Episode Count: 39
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
10678 Costa Hall Tue 02 09:00 10:00 1:00:00 12 Keynote #1 - Mr George Fong Y 2 4 Y
10781 D4.303 Costa Theatre Tue 02 10:40 11:05 0:25:00 12 Open Knowledge Miniconf Opening Matthew Cengia y Y 2 2 Y
10758 Costa Hall Tue 02 10:40 11:15 0:35:00 12 Is that a data-center in your pocket? Steven Ellis y Y 2 5 Y
10773 D2.211 Tue 02 10:50 11:15 0:25:00 12 A live demo of the CubicSDR open source SDR software Paul Warren y Y 2 4 Y
10793 Wool Museum Tue 02 11:00 11:50 0:50:00 12 The Essential Tools of Open-Source: Functional Programming, Parametricity, Types Tony Morris y Y 2 2 Y
10805 D2.193 Percy Baxter Tue 02 11:00 11:30 0:30:00 12 clsXlca Lightning Talks Donna Benjamin y Y 2 4 Y
10782 D4.303 Costa Theatre Tue 02 11:05 11:30 0:25:00 12 Open Tech School - Open learning in practice Lilly Ryan y Y 1 6 Y
10759 Costa Hall Tue 02 11:15 11:30 0:15:00 12 Revisiting Unix principles for modern systems automation Martin Krafft y Y 2 3 Y
10774 D2.211 Tue 02 11:15 11:40 0:25:00 12 Cutdown!: HAB Telemetry System Mark Jessop y Y 2 3 Y
10783 D4.303 Costa Theatre Tue 02 11:30 12:20 0:50:00 12 Open Data + Video Games = Win Paris Buttfield-Addison y Y 2 3 Y
10760 Costa Hall Tue 02 11:35 11:55 0:20:00 12 A Gentle Introduction to Ceph Tim Serong y Y 1 3 Y
10775 D2.211 Tue 02 11:40 12:00 0:20:00 12 All Your Modem are Belong To Us David Rowe y Y 2 8 Y
10794 Wool Museum Tue 02 11:50 12:20 0:30:00 12 Functional programming in Python with Toolz and fn.py Juan Nunez-Iglesias y Y 2 3 Y
10761 Costa Hall Tue 02 11:55 12:20 0:25:00 12 Keeping Pinterest Running Joe Gordon y Y 1 3 Y
10776 D2.211 Tue 02 12:00 12:20 0:20:00 12 Open Radio Miniconf Lightning Talks Kim Hawtin y Y 2 8 Y
10777 D2.211 Tue 02 13:20 14:10 0:50:00 12 Tutorial - Embedded sensor data with Lora radio modules Andrew McDonnell y Y 2 6 Y
10762 Costa Hall Tue 02 13:20 13:45 0:25:00 12 Site Reliability Engineering at Dropbox Tammy Butow y Y 2 4 Y
10795 Wool Museum Tue 02 13:20 13:55 0:35:00 12 Data made out of functions Ken Scambler y Y 2 3 Y
10786 D4.303 Costa Theatre Tue 02 13:45 14:10 0:25:00 12 Prying Open Government - An Introduction to Freedom of Information Dan Hawke y Y 2 3 Y
10763 Costa Hall Tue 02 13:45 14:05 0:20:00 12 'Can you hear me now?' Networking for containers Jay Coles y Y 2 6 Y
10796 Wool Museum Tue 02 13:55 14:30 0:35:00 12 The Emperor’s New Closure: FP in Javascript Nick Moore y Y 1 3 Y
10778 D2.211 Tue 02 14:10 14:40 0:30:00 12 Using the OpenRadio as RF test equipment Kim Hawtin y Y 2 5 Y
10764 Costa Hall Tue 02 14:10 14:30 0:20:00 12 Network Performance Tuning Jamie Bainbridge y Y 3 7 Y
10788 D4.303 Costa Theatre Tue 02 14:10 15:00 0:50:00 12 Internet Archive: Universal Access. Open APIs VM Brasseur y Y 1 2 Y
10765 Costa Hall Tue 02 14:30 14:45 0:15:00 12 Ergonomics of Automation Jamie Wilkinson y Y 2 4 Y
10797 Wool Museum Tue 02 14:30 15:00 0:30:00 12 Practical Functional Architecture Jed Wesley-Smith y Y 2 6 Y
10779 D2.211 Tue 02 14:40 15:00 0:20:00 12 Open Radio Miniconf Panel Discussion Kim Hawtin y Y 2 3 Y
10766 Costa Hall Tue 02 14:45 15:00 0:15:00 12 Pingbeat: y'know, for pings! Joshua Rich y Y 2 4 Y
10798 Wool Museum Tue 02 15:40 16:15 0:35:00 12 Swift Functional Programming Paris Buttfield-Addison y Y 2 4 Y
10767 Costa Hall Tue 02 15:40 16:00 0:20:00 12 The life of a sysadmin in a research environment Eric Burgueno y Y 2 6 Y
10789 D4.303 Costa Theatre Tue 02 15:40 16:30 0:50:00 12 Prospects and pitfalls in open demography Fred Michna y Y 2 2 Y
10768 Costa Hall Tue 02 16:00 16:15 0:15:00 12 Creating bespoke logging systems and dashboards with Grafana, in fifteen minutes Andrew McDonnell y Y 2 3 Y
10769 Costa Hall Tue 02 16:15 16:30 0:15:00 12 Order in the chaos: or lessons learnt on planning in operations Peter Hall y Y 2 3 Y
10799 Wool Museum Tue 02 16:15 17:05 0:50:00 12 Haskell is Not For Production and Other Tales Katie Miller y Y 2 5 Y
10790 D4.303 Costa Theatre Tue 02 16:30 17:20 0:50:00 12 Intro to Open Street Map Matthew Cengia y Y 2 5 Y
10770 Costa Hall Tue 02 16:35 17:00 0:25:00 12 From Commit to Cloud Daniel Hall y Y 2 4 Y
10771 Costa Hall Tue 02 17:00 17:20 0:20:00 12 Using Lnav Paul Wayper 112 Y 2 3 Y
10800 Wool Museum Tue 02 17:05 17:20 0:15:00 12 Functional Programming Lightning Talks and Miniconf Close Fraser Tweedale y Y 1 5 Y
10811 D2.193 Percy Baxter Tue 02 17:10 17:20 0:10:00 12 clsXlca Take-aways and close Donna Benjamin y Y 1 2 Y

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