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Episode Count: 34
id loc name startend duration state episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
8396 Room 203 Fri 11 09:15 10:15 00:60:00 11 A History of Bioinformatics (in the Year 2039) C. Titus Brown y Y 3 Y R
8397 Room 203 Fri 11 10:45 11:03 00:18:00 11 ADAM: Fast, Scalable Genomic Analysis Frank Austin Nothaft y Y 6 Y R
8398 Room 203 Fri 11 11:03 11:21 00:18:00 11 Automated RNA-seq Differential Expression Validation Rory Kirchner y Y 9 Y R
8399 Room 203 Fri 11 11:21 11:39 00:18:00 11 New Frontiers of Genome Assembly with SPAdes 3.1 Andrey Prjibelski y Y 6 Y R
8400 Room 203 Fri 11 11:39 11:57 00:18:00 11 SigSeeker: An Ensemble for Analysis of Epigenetic Data Jens Lichtenberg y Y 3 Y R
8401 Room 203 Fri 11 11:57 12:15 00:18:00 11 Galaxy as an Extensible Job Execution Platform John Chilton y Y 3 Y R
8402 Room 203 Fri 11 12:15 12:30 00:15:00 11 Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) update Hilmar Lapp y Y 2 Y R
8403 Room 203 Fri 11 14:00 14:18 00:18:00 11 WormGUIDES: an Interactive Informatic Developmental Atlas at Subcellular Resolution Anthony Santella y Y 5 Y R
8404 Room 203 Fri 11 14:18 14:36 00:18:00 11 BioJS: an Open Source Standard for Biological Visualisation Manuel Corpas y Y 3 Y R
8405 Room 203 Fri 11 14:36 14:54 00:18:00 11 Biodalliance: a Fast, Extensible Genome Browser Thomas Down y Y 5 Y R
8406 Room 203 Fri 11 14:54 15:12 00:18:00 11 TGAC Browser: Visualisation Solutions for Big Data in the Genomic Era Anil S. Thanki y Y 5 Y R
8407 Room 203 Fri 11 15:12 15:30 00:18:00 11 Explore, Analyze, and Share Genomic Data Using Integrated Genome Browser Ann Loraine y Y 4 Y R
8408 Room 203 Fri 11 16:00 16:12 00:12:00 11 BioMart 0.9 - Introducing Tools for Data Analysis and Visualisation Luca Pandini y Y 5 Y R
8409 Room 203 Fri 11 16:12 16:24 00:12:00 11 Biocaml: The OCaml Bioinformatics Library Ashish Agarwal y Y 10 Y R
8410 Room 203 Fri 11 16:24 16:36 00:12:00 11 BioRuby and Distributed Development Pjotr Prins y Y 6 Y R
8411 Room 203 Fri 11 16:36 16:48 00:12:00 11 Biopython Project Update Wibowo Arindrarto y Y 5 Y R
8412 Room 203 Fri 11 16:48 17:00 00:12:00 11 Shared Bioinformatics Database Within Unipro UGENE Ivan Protsyuk y Y 6 Y R
8413 Room 203 Fri 11 17:00 17:05 00:5:00 11 Fostering the Next Generation of Data-driven Open Science with R Karthik Ram y Y 3 Y R
8443 Room 203 Fri 11 17:07 17:12 00:5:00 11 Tripal: an Open Source Toolkit for Building Genomic and Genetic Data Websites and Databases Margaret Staton y Y 2 Y R
8415 Room 203 Fri 11 17:14 17:19 00:5:00 11 PLUTo: Phyloinformatic Literature Unlocking Tools Ross Mounce y Y 2 Y R
8416 Room 203 Fri 11 17:21 17:26 00:5:00 11 A Publication Model that Aligns with the Key Open Source Software Principles Michael L. Markie y Y 2 Y R
8417 Room 203 Sat 12 09:00 09:15 00:15:00 11 Codefest 2014 Report Brad Chapman y Y 11 Y R
8418 Room 203 Sat 12 09:15 10:15 00:60:00 11 Biomedical Research as an Open Digital Enterprise Philip Bourne y Y 1 Y R
8419 Room 203 Sat 12 10:45 11:03 00:18:00 11 Pathview: an R/Bioconductor Package for Pathway-based Data Integration and Visualization Weijun Luo y Y 7 Y R
8420 Room 203 Sat 12 11:03 11:21 00:18:00 11 Use of Semantically Annotated Resources in the Mobyle2 Web Framework Hervé Ménager y Y 4 Y R
8421 Room 203 Sat 12 11:21 11:39 00:18:00 11 Towards Ubiquitous OWL Computing: Simplifying Programmatic Authoring of and Querying with OWL Axioms Hilmar Lapp y Y 5 Y R
8422 Room 203 Sat 12 11:39 11:57 00:18:00 11 Integrating Taverna Player into Scratchpads Robert Haines y Y 5 Y R
8423 Room 203 Sat 12 11:57 12:15 00:18:00 11 Small Tools for Bioinformatics Pjotr Prins y Y 5 Y R
8424 Room 203 Sat 12 14:00 14:18 00:18:00 11 SEEK for Science: A Data Management Platform which Supports Open and Reproducible Science Carole Goble y Y 4 Y R
8425 Room 203 Sat 12 14:18 14:36 00:18:00 11 Arvados: Achieving Computational Reproducibility and Data Provenance in Large-Scale Genomic Analyses Brett Smith y Y 4 Y R
8426 Room 203 Sat 12 14:36 14:54 00:18:00 11 Enhancing the Galaxy Experience through Community Involvement Daniel Blankenberg y Y 5 Y R
8427 Room 203 Sat 12 14:54 15:12 00:18:00 0 Supporting Dynamic Community Developed Biological Pipelines Brad Chapman y Y 10 R
8428 Room 203 Sat 12 15:12 15:30 00:18:00 11 'Open' as a Strategy for Durability, Reproducibility and Scalability Jonathan Rees y Y 2 Y R
8429 Room 203 Sat 12 16:00 17:00 00:60:00 11 Panel : Reproducibility: Rewards and Challenges Phil Bourne, Titus Brown, Varsha Khodiyar, Kaitlin Thaney y Y 3 Y R

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