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Nzjs nz.js(con); 2017

overlapping_episodes overlapping_fles orphan_dv orphan_img slug oh! title oh!
show_parameters nzjs2017.json
nzjs2017.csv pyvid_jsons.urls
raw_file_audio final_file_audio mini_conf Show cut list
room_signs.pdf release.pdf meeting announcement show_urls
locked episodes admin raw_File admin mark admin location admin Image File admin Logs admin mk_episode veyepar.cfg
status grid processes pipeline recording_sheets.pdf today's t+1 Reschedule schedule talk_intro.pdf title slides anomalies

Duplicate slugs

id audio loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors rel img host

Longest strings:
67 I've got the keys! Using lenses and transducers simplify your life.

65 Teaching and learning on a fullstack, bootcamp, JavaScript course

65 Reactive Query - an alternative to REST for universal JS web apps

58 CTO's Perspective of Angular2 adoption from an early stage

57 Putting the Fun back into Functional with Lambda Calculus

79 Alex Gibson, Aurynn Shaw, Samson Ootoovak, Matt Powell, Dana Iti, Ruth McDavitt

25 Jen Zajac, Anna Lezhikova

24 Raf Gemmail, Paul Sharpe

21 Jen Zajac, Owen Evans

16 Stuart Whitehead

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review