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Episode Count: 7
id loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors e/r cmt rel img rf host index
14801 Revolution Hall Sat 04 10:00 10:30 0:30:0 8 Netlistsvg: How to Draw a Better Schematic than Graphviz Neil Turley y Y 11 Y
14803 Revolution Hall Sat 04 11:10 11:40 0:30:0 8 Higher-Order Hardware Design with Chisel 3 Jack Koenig y Y 9 Y
14804 Revolution Hall Sat 04 11:40 12:10 0:30:0 8 The fusion of high-level synthesis with event-oriented hardware description (myhdl) Christopher Felton y Y 6 Y
14805 Revolution Hall Sat 04 13:30 13:50 0:20:0 8 JuxtaPiton: The First Open-Source, Heterogeneous-ISA Processor Katie Lim y Y 4 Y
14808 Revolution Hall Sat 04 14:30 14:50 0:20:0 8 DVKit: An Integrated Development Environment for Design and Verification Engineers Matthew Ballance y Y 10 Y
14810 Revolution Hall Sat 04 16:00 16:30 0:30:0 8 The Berkeley-Out-of-Order-Machine: An Open Source Synthesizable High-Performance RISC-V Processor Jerry Zhao, Abe Gonzalez, Ben Korpan Y 10 Y
14811 Revolution Hall Sat 04 16:30 17:00 0:30:0 8 FireSim: Open-Source Easy-to-use FPGA-Accelerated Cycle-Exact Hardware Simulation in the Cloud David Biancolin, Alon Amid Y 7 Y

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review