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Fossi Foundation Latch-Up 2019

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latch_2019.csv pyvid_jsons.urls
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room_signs.pdf release.pdf meeting announcement show_urls
locked episodes admin raw_File admin mark admin location admin Image File admin Logs admin mk_episode veyepar.cfg
status grid processes pipeline recording_sheets.pdf today's t+1 Reschedule schedule talk_intro.pdf title slides anomalies

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id audio loc name startend duration state episode.name episode.authors rel img host

Longest strings:
97 The Berkeley-Out-of-Order-Machine: An Open Source Synthesizable High-Performance RISC-V Processor

94 FireSim: Open-Source Easy-to-use FPGA-Accelerated Cycle-Exact Hardware Simulation in the Cloud

83 The fusion of high-level synthesis with event-oriented hardware description (myhdl)

82 DVKit: An Integrated Development Environment for Design and Verification Engineers

80 Verifying Open-Source Silicon with SystemVerilog: Getting in on the Ground Floor

36 Jerry Zhao, Abe Gonzalez, Ben Korpan

26 David Biancolin, Alon Amid

20 Aliaksei Chapyzhenka

20 Aliaksei Chapyzhenka

19 Piotr Esden-Tempski

Veyepar Video Eyeball Processor and Review